Thursday 7 May 2015

The Best Things Of The Internet - Part 1

"Do you ever see an opinion that’s so terrible that you actually feel bad for that person’s brain." - Unknown

 "How can i face my problem when the problem is my face" - Unknown 

 "I can’t go to school tomorrow I'm sick… SICK OF THESE NIGGAS." - Unknown

I Feel Sorry For You Boy

Jeff :"-10 for Gryffindor."

Ahmed :"you should love your fans as the way they loved you :( giving him an autograph won't take more than 1 minute"

Larry :"Plot twist: She actually signed the autograph and kiss him and the boy cry because of happiness..."

Jeff :"This could be right, just look that there are 10 meters difference between the 1 and 2 pic and the 3 and 4. just sayin."

Ahmed :"she only needs to sign! not to fuck the guy."

Larry :"LoL whats the similarities of autograph and sex ?? 5000 sign=5000 sex ?? LoLllllllll"

Admin :"LMAO u wat m8"

This Girl Deserves a Cookie, Many Cookies

Jeff :"She deserves more than a cookie, and the manager needs to be fired, if they were smart they would know feeding the homeless brings more customers and they should have an event for that."

Ahmed :"I kind of freaked out at the part 115° Then I realized this is a story from a US girl And they use Fahrenheit,Meanwhile on Venus, it is 300+ degree outside."

Larry :"Too lazy to read, I will come back when they make the movie about this book."

Ahmed :"Larry you're probably don't read books.... kinda sad."

Jeff :"A world where people don't read books is a world I do not want to live on."

Trust Me, I'm An Artist

Jeff :"Or the other side of the heart."

Ahmed :"Thats why I always draw pirates."

Larry :"Plot twist: The eye on the right is the other eye.!

Admin :"Best plot twist ever !"

Last And Furious

Jeff :"It will stop until they get no more Diesel."

Ahmed :"To be fair, last and furious would be a great title."

Larry : "Furious 11 " One last ride,this time I promise " xD "

Jeff :"haha .. Furious 12: I lied,One Last Ride."

Larry :"Furious 13: double lied.. c'mon guy let's ride again."

Ahmed :"Last and Furious 14: I swear to God and Paul this is the last ride (fingers crossed) xD "

Admin :"Fast and Furious 15: What the heck, one more wouldn't hurt."

Jeff :"Furious 16 : got'ya again , we will ride one more time."

Larry :"Furious 17: the real last ride and die"

Admin :"Furious 18: Why the hell are you still watching this?"

Admin :"Furious 19: Stahp"

Jeff :"Furious 20:paul dead,diesel dead,everyone's dead"

Admin :"Furious 404 : Not Found"

Larry :"Furious 9999: Jesus take the wheel"

Admin :"Okay we need to stop.."

That's My Plan

Jeff :"Work until you dont have to look at the price tags."

"If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost."


Monday 4 May 2015

The Best Posts of The Internet - Part 3

"Sometimes I use big words I dont always fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthesis." - Unknown 

 "Stop the alphabet at T cuz i dont want none of U." - Unknown 
 "I wanna respect everybodys opinion but some peoples opinions are just so terrible." - Unkown

Day 2046: Still Waiting For My Crush To Text Me Back

Jeff :"By crush you mean the pizza shop confirming your order, count me in."

Ahmed :"Plot twist: It was his mom."

Larry :"I'm still waiting..."

A Man's Guide To Beards

Jeff :"Does no one see that that's Channing Tatum."

Ahmed :"And when a muslim grows a beard, he's being called a terrorist ! double standards!!"

Larry :"People without a beard are called "women"."

Im Confused

Jeff :"Down. You can tell by the edges of the steps."

Ahmed :"This cat is going places."

Larry :"It's going to hell, cause it's SATAN!!"

I am Groot

  Jeff :"LORD OF NARNIA: Star Guardians of Doctor Potter."

Ahmed :"Half Rengar Half Malphite."

Larry :"Delete this post before Hollywood sees it."


Jeff :"Or buy a new lightbulb."

Ahmed :"So deep 'Murica is gonna bring democracy."

Larry :"Or burn the house." "A wise man once told me death is not the greatest loss in life. It's what dies inside us while we're living."

"A wise man once told me death is not the greatest loss in life. It's what dies inside us while we're living."

Next Part 4

Friday 1 May 2015

The Best Posts Of The Internet - Part 2

Because there will be a lot of parts in Best Posts of the Internet, I don't know what should I write to be the opening in every part. So I decided to add some sort of dank quotes in each part on my next posts.

The Ugly Truth

Jeff :"It would be hell of a sight if kings would fight battles on their own - Troy."

Ahmed :"aaah I Got It. the building became smaller."

Larry :"Any one who actually has been around the military knows this isn't how it works."

When You Forgot How To Dog

Jeff :"Do you even Doge."

Ahmed :"3 dogs 1 wow."

Larry :"Is that a mushroom or a mushdoge."

I Thought I Was Pretty Clear About This.

Jeff :"You need experience for a job. You need a job for experience ;_; "

Just Pakistani TThings

Jeff :"Racist at its finest."

Ahmed :"LMGO = Laughing my grenades out."


Jeff :"Bitches be like i like him fo his personality."

Ahmed :"He can do better with that money, she looks like a cheap pornstar."

 "if robbers ever broke into my house and searched for money i do just laugh and search with them nigga im broke." - Unkown.

Next Part 3